Along their lifetime, industrial chimneys are subject to stringent constraints, either intern (temperature, mechanical abrasion, chemical corrosion) or external (meteorological conditions, fatigue…)
To ensure the safety of the installation and its performance, European Norm (EN 13084-1) recommends to perform every two years, internal and external inspections of industrial chimneys
Why an expertise
Ferbeck performs expertise to :
- assess the feasibility a pre-project stage, including calculcations and simulations
- identify maintenance actions to be achieved to comply with current norms and standards
FERBECK’s commitment
Ferbeck set a flexible organization to offer a reactive, precise and comprehensive expertise service to its customers, supporting them in their decisions and scheduling of future maintenance activities.
Hot inspection
Ferbeck has developed a hot inspection system, able to penetrate within chimneys in service with a max. temperature of 350°C : HotInspector
Installed on a supporting structure placed on the top of the chimney and featuring a 360° video module, HotInspector can be set and operated from the ground level to inspect industrial chimneys without human intervention at height.
Deeply understanding the needs of its partners, Ferbeck developed this solution to minimize safety risks and to optimize maintenance stop scheduling by a strong upstream preparation.
Cold inspections
Inside our outside a concrete, of steel chimney, from the existing access or any safe and certified means, Ferbeck has a strong experience to inspect safely any type of chimney.
Corrosion measurement, check of assemblies, control of accessories, allow to identify precisely the preventive or curative works to be performed.
Expertise reports
The execution of expertise, inspection of feasability study implies the submission of a detailled reported to the contractor.
In addition to the diagnosis, recommendations of works to be executed and associated priorities, Ferbeck’s advisory duties suggest a normative outlook of the installation, and, especially about sampling points.
Feasability studies
At a pre-definition stage of a project different solutions can emerge, even though the investment plan is not yet finalized.
Ferbeck can support project engineering team : offering solutions, experience, calculation means and know-how, to orientate stakeholders towards reliable, competitive and sustainable solutions.
Technical support
Considering a precise knowledge and understanding of the regional control and safety authorities requirement (DREAL in France), Ferbeck can provide technical support, appreciated by contractors during their compliance process.