Dynamic dampers & Mechanical fatigue

Dampers can be designed and install on new chimneys project or, for revamping projects on existing chimneys.
We are designing our taylor-made dampers considering the environmental and meteorological conditions of each installation.

Dynamic damper is made of boxes within a shape ring installed at the chimney’s top. Boxes are filled with a liquid solution.

Kinetic energy created by dynamic constraints on the chimney will generate waves within the different boxes. Wave shocks against the casing walls will allow the energy dissipation and will drastically reduce resonance phenomenon risks.

Silencers & noise pollution

Ferbeck proposes a comprehensive offer including noise and vibration measurement services, design of noice reduction devices that can be implemented on green and brown fields, or retrofit works.

Absorption silencers, resonance silencers or a combination of absorption and resonance solutions can be designed : our teams will identify the best solution for an enhanced acoustic performance and smooth fumes exhaust.